Petrino Joins the Nick Saban Club

How do you spell “soooo-eee?”

And did he really say Ar-Kansas? Jumping from a sinking ship calls to mind a different animal than a pig, but I suspect the pig will do. I’m sorry, make that a Razorback. As in SEC Arkansas Razorback football.

Asked about Bobby Petrino’s clandestine departure, Falcons’ d-back D’Angelo Hall wished Coach Petrino well initially when asked about the move on ESPN after the news broke. Then he went on to note how pissed off all the players will be. Paraphrasing Hall said something along the lines of: “He lied to us all and said he was here for the long haul, he said he wanted our commitment because he was giving us his.”

13 games of commitment to the Falcons. Way to man up Bobby. Nothing suspect in holding a press conference at 11:30 pm the night after a game. Sooo-eee, indeed.

Two interesting side notes. One of the comparisons made to this surprise departure by Hall was to note that any team who loses such a key player would be expected to go through a slump. He used the Colts and Peyton Manning as an example. Anyone else remember a cover-of-darkness departure related to the Colts?

Second ironic aside: Lou Holtz left the Jets with whom he’d gone 3-10 with little left of the NFL season to go to Arkansas.

Finally, speaking of “manning up” or down as the case may be

JR is on a tear lately about the Dolphins possibly running a perfect losing season. He’s skewering every sports cliche in his Dolphins game analysis. It’s a thing of beauty. The only danger is that the next time he trots out one of these hackneyed phrases, it might remind me that he parodied them and their over-use so effectively  this season regarding the Dolphins’ performance. Not that I want him to stop. Good entertainment.

~ by jacqueline1230 on December 13, 2007.

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